Thursday, November 21, 2013

Girls Desk Makeover!

So, we wanted to add a desk area in the two younger girls rooms so that they would have somewhere to do their homework. Up until now they would just sit at the dining room table and there are usually just too many distractions going on for them to be able to concentrate fully.

After looking around for awhile we just couldn't find anything that would work for the space- it's quite a cramped little corner in their room between the bunk bed and the wall where we used to keep a bookcase. 

So, the idea was forgotten for awhile. Until a couple of weeks later I spotted a very basic white desk sitting out by the dumpster that looked perfect. I grabbed my tape measure and made sure it would fit before lugging it inside up a flight of stairs. (Yup, I am definitely not too proud to take things from the dumpster. I did inspect it and give it a good clean though.) :).

Now I needed a chair... We have had this one sitting out on the patio for a few months waiting to be taken to the dumpster, lucky for us I hate throwing anything away and had avoided it. It was rough and weathered since it had been sitting outside for so long, so I took a trip down to the Home Depot to pick up the stuff to sand it down and paint it - I don't know a thing about paint really, so I just grabbed something that said "white" and looked about the size I needed. I did my best to smooth out the wood - though I really needed a coarser sandpaper to remove the previous varnish properly. It took me two days to do two coats and wait for the drying time between them, but I am very happy with the end result and now it matches the desk!

I wanted to make the area all colorful and cute to try and encourage the girls to use it - and keep it tidy. 
I was feeling especially crafty and creative that day. :)
I wanted to make them a cute little organizer for their pens & pencils etc.
I used some toilet rolls, a box from an alarm clock, crystal pebbles that I had sitting in jars for decoration, pieces of scrap-booking paper and these colored foam square thingies that I had sitting in the craft box. There wasn't a plan, I just kind of winged it - and it turned out pretty cute :).

I added a few extra details - a painted glass beer bottle all prettified with some fake colorful daisies - a whiteboard with a couple of flower magnets I glued together - a pink lamp and their alarm clock. It's not perfect but the best I could do with what I had on hand. All I ended up paying for the entire thing was $10 for the paint and sandpaper. :)

I'm quite happy with it! Now to see if it gets kept tidy enough to be used.

KD xx

1 comment:

  1. I've nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This award is given to bloggers who bring sunshine to the blogging world. You can see more about the nomination and how to proceed at my blog.
    I really love your blog and wanted to include it in my list of nominees.


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